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with Psych-K®, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting


"If you believe you can, or
believe you can't, you're right"

 - Henry Ford


Feeling Stuck?

My work is based on the understanding that it is subconscious limiting beliefs and unresolved patterns that keep us unwell, stuck, limited, or unhappy.

Your life is a reflection of your subconscious

Health of mind and body

Better relationships

Confidence and self esteem

Greater soul connection

Our life experiences and our beliefs establish the limits of what we can achieve, so if you feel trapped in a prison of limitations, or you’re not living up to your full potential, chances are you have a conflict between your conscious desires and your subconscious beliefs and expectations.  This kind of conflict shows up in many ways, such as in poor health of mind, body and soul: with problems such as chronic pain, troubled relationships, low self esteem, negative body image, financial struggle, addictions, lack of personal power or feeling trapped in grief, loss or resentment.

Facilitate Change

Financial peace of mind

Career progression

Trauma release

Personal power

Connie Gabriel

Your life is a reflection of your subconscious expectations, beliefs and patterns and is the cumulative effect of life-long ‘programming’. 


Using a variety of energy psychology techniques such as PSYCH-K®, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting and others, you will experience a relaxed and easy way to help you rewrite your limiting programs into ones that Free Your Life.

Although Connie considers PSYCH-K®, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting to be the most efficient methods to facilitate change that she knows of, she also cautions potential clients who may have heard of one-hit-wonders with Energy Psychology techniques. Resolution of complex problems or major health challenges is rarely instant.

“the ‘secret to life’ is BELIEF. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives.”

- Bruce Lipton, phd. Author of Biology of Belief

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